Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tomorrow Endoscopy & Preop testing.

I have to be at the hospital at 7:30 am for my endoscopy. I am so nervous. I don't think words can describe it. My Preop testing will be at my Drs office. I really hope they start the IV in my arm. I hate hand IVs. I hope I don't remember or I'm knocked out during this procedure. I'm such a punk...I know. Pre-op testing just consists of blood work and a chest x-ray.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cauliflower Pizza Crust.

You Won't Believe it's Cauliflower Pizza Crust

1 cup cooked, riced cauliflower*
1 egg
1 cup mozzarella cheese
1/2 tsp fennel
1 tsp oregano
2 tsp parsley

**pizza  sauce

toppings (make sure meats are cooked)
mozzarella cheese
Preheat oven to 450 degrees Farenheit.

Spray a cookie sheet with non-stick spray.

In a medium bowl, combine cauliflower, egg and mozzarella. Press evenly on the pan. Sprinkle evenly with fennel, oregano and parsley.

Bake at 450 degrees for 12-15 minutes (15-20 minutes if you double the recipe).

Remove the pan from the oven. To the crust, add sauce, then toppings and cheese.

Full Recipe can be found at...

Low carb cauliflower pizza

Calories punch in at around 480 (my personal pizza). Very tasty. Sorry I forgot to take pictures...before I knew it I was already done eating it LOL.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 3: 1000 calorie pre-op Diet

9 more days until my surgery 11.22.11.

Day three of the diet isn't too bad. Head hunger is a bitch and a half. I never noticed how much my family talks about food until now. My father wants me to back a cake like I'm not struggling with this diet. Very inconsiderate in my opinion. The only reason why I'm going to do it is because it's also my brother's birthday tomorrow. Vanilla Cake w/ Vanilla whipped frosting....ugh YUM.

So far today I had....
  • One Muscle Milk Chocolate light protein shake. (100 calories)
  • 36oz of water.
  • One Smart ones Roasted Turkey and Garlic potatoes frozen dinner for lunch (200 calories)
  • 1 String cheese (80 Calories)

For Dinner I will be making Cauliflower pizza ( recipe idea from a friend :) ). I will update you guys later with the recipe and pictures.

Saturday, November 12, 2011



The day my life will change forever.

I was thinking about doing this blog a million times and how happy I was going to be once I KNEW , surgery date. I guess my nerves are settling in since it's just about official. I don't know how I am going to break it to my Father that I am having WLS. Not that he wouldn't support me. It's just that I know he will make my nerves worse. Endoscopy the 17...Got to have all my preop tests done before the 21st. Everything seems so surreal. I'm ready.

10 day pre-op diet. Not all liquids though. Thank goodness. I will go back and forth from food to liquid days though. Just so I can chew something. I don't want to wake up from surgery with a big incision. I will be hitting walmart for fruits,vegetables, and slim fast....and oh yeah ground turkey. Over a year of researching and I'm finally on my way to the loser's bench.

Tonight was I guess my last REAL meal as a fatty. Pre-op diet then forever changed.

Surgery Date..

November 7, 2011.

I called the office today and yes I was approved.

Thank you everyone who wished me well I really appreciate it. I get my surgery date on Thursday when I meet with the Surgeon. This week can't go by fast enough. I hope to get it ASAP. Before Thanksgiving I'm hoping. I don't care if I will be watching everyone enjoy their food while I'm sipping on a protein drink. I am sooooo ready for this.

Mail is here....Mail was here?

November 6, 2011

I received 2 letters from my insurance company the 28th of October and failed to open them until Friday night. It stated that O met the requirements for the surgery and that it is authorized and that my Admission date would be the 18 of November. I guess I was approved but I'm lost. Is the admission date my actual surgery day. I'm scared to allow myself to get excited because I haven't received the official call from my Surgeon's office...hopefully tomorrow I'll receive official word.

Halloween Thoughts

October 31, 2011

EKG on Thursday . Waiting on my PCP to fax his letter of recommendation and blood work results. Then insurance submittal.

Every time Halloween comes along I always want to go out and enjoy myself with friends. They're wearing they semi-risky costume while I'm dressed normally. Plus size costumes are usually so blah or expensive. Next year I promise myself that I will be dressed up...showing a bit of skin. Nothing too whorey though.

Tired of being fat!

Almost there...

(From old blog.)

October 17, 2011

I had my Post Op education class yesterday. They went over what to expect in the hospital after surgery, week by week diet stages, and the psychological aspect of the weight loss process. I can't say they mentioned anything I didn't know already. I just got a better understanding as to the week to week diet stages. Other than that I couldn't wait to bust out of that place ... to check it as one more step closer to getting an approval.

Last step EKG.

Then to submit of all paper work for insurance approval.


(Copied and pasted from my old blog.)

Almost a month and a half that I've been going through this process. Ontop of it all I'm already the most impatient person ever. I have a few more steps left then my paperwork can be submitted for approval. I should be happy that I don't have to do a manditory 3-6 months of supervised diets. I have 3 more things to do.
2.)Meet with Surgeon
Wait for approval
3.) Surgery date AND preop testing.

As if the wait isn't killing me....the CO PAYS definitely are $30. *sigh

Vertical Banded Gastroplasty

Over the past month and a half I’ve been going through the motions of that one would go through to be approved for weight loss surgery.

This is the new version of the banded gastroplasty. My surgeon is Dr. Elmer Valin.
I’ve been researching the lapband procedure for over a year but wasn’t too sure about it.

September - I had my first consultation with Debbie Valin. I went in thinking about the Gastrectomy but she quickly told me that I shouldn’t get it even though, obviously it was my choice. She told me that the long term effects weren’t known as of yet. Then asked me if I developed stomach cancer in the 15% of stomach I would have left…what would I do? That was enough to make me change my mind. She then proceeded to tell me about VBG. She further explained why I’d be a good candidate. I’m 5’7 and at the time I was 303. On the smaller side of the BMI. She also mentioned to tell me that it wasn’t the old procedure that her husband does it is a completely new way of doing it. A more effective and less complications. I was sold.

October 5, 2011- I was running late for my appointment with the Psychologist Chris Lodi. He was nice enough to allow me to come in and start the questionnaire. We then rescheduled for the full appointment on October 15 which happened to be the same day I was was scheduled to see the Nutritionist Diana Rosa.

October 15, 2011- Both appointments went well. With Lodi we discussed what eating pattern did I fall under. I told him exactly what it was and he was fairly surprised that I could pin point it myself. We also discussed a lot of other things going on in the world. The nutritionist went just as well. She gave me the Ketosis diet to go on for 6 days. Friday I would have to go back,weigh in, and have my urine tested for ketones.

October 16-21 - It was hell the first 3 days. I had the craziest cravings. I seriously thought I wasn’t going to make it. I ate 2 boiled eggs at each meal w/broth. I would snack on Polly-o string cheese in between meals. By the fourth and fifth day all cravings were gone and I had NO type of feeling of hunger at all. Which that was a first. Not even head hunger. That Thursday I had bought a scale at Walmart and weighed myself in the parking lot (don’t judge me LOL).  I lost 13LBS. That was the moment that made me realize that I reaaaaally want this.

October 21 2011- I got my period. I was going back and forth about going because knowing she’d test my urine I didn’t want to pee and the blood….graphic much? I don’t care. I told myself I’m sure these people dealt with worse so I went in 10:30 that Friday morning. The office was PACKKKKED. People seemed upset when I was called before them HA! She was surprised that I lost so much and happy that I stuck with it. She said usually people get it on their second try. I told her I wanted this too much to fail now. She gave me a packet for the Pre-Op meeting with her and the Psychologist for the following Wednesday 5:30-7:30. I am so ready.